We frequently meet organization leaders and board members who aren’t getting the financial information they need. Monthly reports are either too late or too detailed to see the big picture. Grant reporting has fallen behind schedule and program staff are unsure how much funding remains.
These are symptoms of problems in the finance office. Often organizations grow in transaction volume, projects and program staff, yet training and development on the finance side is several years behind this growth and is struggling to keep up.
At The Fellows Group, we have deep financial and operational experience with both non-profit and for-profit organizations. We bring a business sense to mission-driven nonprofits, in order to help you broaden your effectiveness. We understand the key trade-offs in time and attention that challenge executives and staff, between managing the board, stake holders, the operation and delivering service.
We bring ideas and perspective to help you:
- Get the most “bang for your buck;”
- Keep your organization on solid financial footing;
- Evaluate cost-saving opportunities without sacrificing your mission;
- Keep your board informed and engaged.
We also know that it is difficult to “see above the trees” when staff is overburdened. We are often engaged on a transitional basis to assess the situation, propose improvements, implement the improvements working with current staff, and train staff to maintain the gains.